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Unveiling Roman State Structure Asia Proconsuls Presentation


Professional Development

Kusadasi Association of Tourist Guides (KURED) organized a special presentation titled “The Roman State Structure and Asia Proconsuls” at the De Lekerbek Cafe, offering an invaluable learning opportunity for its member tourist guides. Attendees experienced what felt like an in-service training session, as highlighted by KURED Chairman Ali Karapinar, who affirmed that such presentations will continue throughout the season.

Historical Insights

The presentation shed light on the Roman State Structure and the role of Asia Proconsuls, providing historical context and deepening the understanding of the region’s past. Attendees had the chance to enhance their knowledge, enabling them to offer richer and more informative tours to visitors.

A Glimpse into the Past: Turkish Bathhouses

The session also delved into the traditional Turkish bathhouses, offering a fascinating glimpse into the past. These bathhouses