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Empowering Students Occupational Information Meeting


Introduction to the Professional World

The Kusadasi Association of Tourist Guides (KURED) and the Kusadasi Regional Committee of TURSAB collaborated to organize an “Occupational Information Meeting” aimed at familiarizing students from the Adnan Menderes University Kusadasi Tourism and Hotel Business Administration High School with the intricacies of the professional world.

Enlightening the Next Generation

As part of the Tourism Week celebrations, KURED Chairman Ali Karapinar, along with board members Yucel Temirodaman and Mehmet Yusuf Tanriverdi, shed light on the importance of organizational skills to the students. They assured the students that the association is committed to providing support for their realistic needs Preserving Tradition Turkish Hamams.

Excellence Recognized

The KURED representatives proudly shared that Kusadasi’s tourist guides were voted the best in

Bulgarian Church


Dura on the Euphrates