Enigmatic Istanbul is an endless story. It’s the story of Istanbul’s many names, the story of settling the city, ‘Opposite the blind’. Although these two stories might be enough for some, for others they are just the beginning. Istanbul is rich in many things. One cannot miss the history...
He saw his moment and sought to take it, but in the end was never ruthless enough and never successful enough. He approached Constantinople with a large force spread out to fill the peninsula from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea, and rode unopposed to the city’s...
Even though would-be moderates controlled both Rome and Constantinople, their respective definitions of moderation fell on different parts of the spectrum. As long as they could not agree, the emperor of Constantinople and his patriarch could not use the west as a balancing force against the one-nature zealots, who...
And so a third position emerged, insisting on a “both-and” solution, asserting both the godhead and the manhood of Jesus at the same time. Jesus was divine and human, of two natures, conjoined, indissoluble; but the divine and the human never mixed, never changed, in him. The western church,...
Constantine caught his breath in a gasp of admiration as a sleek galley rounded a point below them and came into their range of vision. Its oars kicked up a spray, which the sun turned instantly into the colors of the rainbow, and the broad white sail on its...
“You can thank Galerius for that,” Marios told him. “With your father allied to the House of Maximian by marriage, our new Caesar feared that too much power would be concentrated in the West. He got around that by persuading Diocletian to make Constantius send you to Nicomedia for...
“Now what is all this about?” Marios eased himself into a chair, grimacing from the pain in his leg. “Have you been snooping into your father’s affairs, boy?”“You woke me up last night with your snoring,” Constantine said spitefully. “I went to get a drink of water, not knowing...