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Came back to Constantinople

Later, she followed Hecebolus, a Tyrian who had been made governor of Pentapolis, serving him in the basest of ways; but finally she quarreled with him and was sent summarily away. Consequently, she found...

Mounted the projecting corner

On the field of pleasure she was never defeated. Often she would go picnicking with ten young men or more, in the flower of their strength and virility, and dallied with them all, the...

King Tiridates

Night had already fallen by the time the camp was established. While some of the men ate, others took torches and explored what remained of the buildings of the town, in case any Persians...

Caesar Constantius

“Yes, Your Majesty.”“I should have recognized you from your resemblance to your father, but I was otherwise occupied. Caesar Constantius and I served together once in Pannonia. He is a great general and a...

Constantine and Dacius had dismounted

The tall man was near midstream now, wading at the head of his troops, but the river was deepening rapidly and his armor made the going heavy. Calling to him to seize hold of...

Crew scrambled to change the angle present

Constantine caught his breath in a gasp of admiration as a sleek galley rounded a point below them and came into their range of vision. Its oars kicked up a spray, which the sun...

Constantius send Diocletian to Nicomedia

“You can thank Galerius for that,” Marios told him. “With your father allied to the House of Maximian by marriage, our new Caesar feared that too much power would be concentrated in the West....

Constantine said spitefully

“Now what is all this about?” Marios eased himself into a chair, grimacing from the pain in his leg. “Have you been snooping into your father’s affairs, boy?”“You woke me up last night with...

Justinian I (b.483- r.527-d.565)

Justinian I (b.483- r.527-d.565): Novel 137,Regulating Church RitualThe concept of a free and independent Church was unacceptable to Justinian. He regarded himself as head of the Church and insisted on his right and duty...

Carry into the palace in Byzantium

And one of the Jews, seeing these things, approached one of those known to the emperor and said: “These treasures I think it inexpedient to carry into the palace in Byzantium. Indeed, it is...

Proclus the Quaestor


The church at Ephesus